Fig. 2.8.

Wed, 2020-03-18 14:13 -- hwadmin
   Estuarine and coastal habitats. (A) A landscape view of an estuarine V-front, as the channel walls retard the flood tide and the saltier (denser) coastal water wedges beneath the estuarine water. (B) An estuarine plume front showing the ebb tide flow of brackish (less-dense) water flowing on top of coastal water, which has a coastal flow deflecting the plume. (C) A topographic front generated in the lee of a headland or island. (D) A vertical section of an estuarine plume front, showing the convergence and sinking along the thermocline or halocline (dashed line) front creating a slick of buoyant material (foam, flotsam). (E) Vertical stratification showing a thermocline (dashed line), an internal wave, the breakdown of stratification in shallow water and the potential for upwelling or downwelling. (F) Temperature–salinity (T–S) signature of a water mass determined from a series of temperature and salinity measurements (line of dots). The depth or distance down-estuary are implied from the least dense (top left) to most dense (bottom right). The dominant types of plankton and water mass associated with particular T–S characteristics are indicated.
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<atom:author xmlns:atom="" xmlns:hwp="" xmlns:nlm="" hwp:inherited="yes" nlm:contrib-type="author"><atom:name>Iain M. Suthers</atom:name><nlm:name name-style="western" hwp:sortable="Suthers Iain M."><nlm:surname>Suthers</nlm:surname><nlm:given-names>Iain M.</nlm:given-names></nlm:name></atom:author>
<atom:contributor xmlns:atom="" xmlns:hwp="" xmlns:nlm="" hwp:inherited="yes" nlm:contrib-type="author"><atom:name>Anna M. Redden</atom:name><nlm:name name-style="western" hwp:sortable="Redden Anna M."><nlm:surname>Redden</nlm:surname><nlm:given-names>Anna M.</nlm:given-names></nlm:name></atom:contributor>
<atom:contributor xmlns:atom="" xmlns:hwp="" xmlns:nlm="" hwp:inherited="yes" nlm:contrib-type="author"><atom:name>Lee Bowling</atom:name><nlm:name name-style="western" hwp:sortable="Bowling Lee"><nlm:surname>Bowling</nlm:surname><nlm:given-names>Lee</nlm:given-names></nlm:name></atom:contributor>
<atom:contributor xmlns:atom="" xmlns:hwp="" xmlns:nlm="" hwp:inherited="yes" nlm:contrib-type="author"><atom:name>Tsuyoshi Kobayashi</atom:name><nlm:name name-style="western" hwp:sortable="Kobayashi Tsuyoshi"><nlm:surname>Kobayashi</nlm:surname><nlm:given-names>Tsuyoshi</nlm:given-names></nlm:name></atom:contributor>
<atom:contributor xmlns:atom="" xmlns:hwp="" xmlns:nlm="" hwp:inherited="yes" nlm:contrib-type="author"><atom:name>David Rissik</atom:name><nlm:name name-style="western" hwp:sortable="Rissik David"><nlm:surname>Rissik</nlm:surname><nlm:given-names>David</nlm:given-names></nlm:name></atom:contributor>
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