Figure 12.5: (a–g) Examples of heathland burning practice in the UK. (a) The heathland landscape mosaic created by rotational heather burning in the Scottish Highlands; (b) multiple managed fires spreading across moorland in northern England; (c, d) old Norse sheep (c) and red grouse (d), the primary agroeconomic focus of traditional managed burning in Norway and the UK respectively; (e) recently burned patches from traditional management on a Scottish hillside; (f) burned patches (lighter colours) on a Norwegian heathland; and (g) patch burning that used mowed firebreaks. (h–j) Examples of poor practice include visually intrusive intensive management with individual burn units divided by regular, straight cut breaks (h), burning into or adjacent to watercourses and steep gullies (i) and burning upslope leading to loss of control (j; note the V-shaped fire scar resulting from a burn rapidly accelerating upslope and escaping control). Image credits: (a) Copernicus European, Very High Resolution Image Mosaic (VHRIM); (b) ‘Controlled burning on Great Hograh Moor 2’ by Colin Grice (licenced under CC BY-SA 2.0); (d) ‘Red grouse on Burley Moor’ by John Winder (licenced under CC BY-SA 2.0); (e) ‘Muirburn on slopes of Gurlet’ by Russel Wills (licenced under CC BY-SA 2.0); (g) ‘Patterns from heather burning’ by Jim Barton (licenced under CC BY-SA 2.0); (h) ‘Muirburn patterns, Feuar’s Moor’ by Richard Webb (licenced under CC BY-SA 2.0); (i) ‘Long Grain’ by Chris Eilbeck (licenced under CC BY-SA 2.0); (c, f, j) images taken by the authors.
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<atom:author xmlns:atom="" xmlns:hwp="" xmlns:nlm="" hwp:inherited="yes" nlm:contrib-type="author"><atom:name>G. Matt Davies</atom:name><nlm:name name-style="western" hwp:sortable="Davies G. Matt"><nlm:surname>Davies</nlm:surname><nlm:given-names>G. Matt</nlm:given-names></nlm:name></atom:author>
<atom:contributor xmlns:atom="" xmlns:hwp="" xmlns:nlm="" hwp:inherited="yes" nlm:contrib-type="author"><atom:name>Vigdis Vandvik</atom:name><nlm:name name-style="western" hwp:sortable="Vandvik Vigdis"><nlm:surname>Vandvik</nlm:surname><nlm:given-names>Vigdis</nlm:given-names></nlm:name></atom:contributor>
<atom:contributor xmlns:atom="" xmlns:hwp="" xmlns:nlm="" hwp:inherited="yes" nlm:contrib-type="author"><atom:name>Rob Marrs</atom:name><nlm:name name-style="western" hwp:sortable="Marrs Rob"><nlm:surname>Marrs</nlm:surname><nlm:given-names>Rob</nlm:given-names></nlm:name></atom:contributor>
<atom:contributor xmlns:atom="" xmlns:hwp="" xmlns:nlm="" hwp:inherited="yes" nlm:contrib-type="author"><atom:name>Liv Guri Velle</atom:name><nlm:name name-style="western" hwp:sortable="Velle Liv Guri"><nlm:surname>Velle</nlm:surname><nlm:given-names>Liv Guri</nlm:given-names></nlm:name></atom:contributor>
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