Patricia A. Fleming
- Camera Trapping: Wildlife Management and ResearchEdited by Peter Fleming, Paul Meek, Guy Ballard, Peter Banks, Andrew Claridge, Jim Sanderson, Don SwannBook | Published in 2014DOI: 10.1071/9781486300402ISBN (pdf): 978-1-4863-0040-2
- Quantifying Diets of Wildlife and Fish: Practical and Applied MethodsEdited by Michael C. Calver, Neil R. LoneraganBook | Published in 2024DOI: 10.1071/9781486315017ISBN (paper): 978-1-4863-1500-0ISBN (pdf): 978-1-4863-1501-7
- Table 4.10.By Patricia A. Fleming, Natalie K. GrassiBook | Published in 1969
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- Appendix 4.1.By Patricia A. Fleming, Natalie K. GrassiBook | Published in 1969
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- Table 4.6.By Patricia A. Fleming, Natalie K. GrassiBook | Published in 1969
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- Table 4.7.By Patricia A. Fleming, Natalie K. GrassiBook | Published in 1969
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- Table 4.3.By Patricia A. Fleming, Natalie K. GrassiBook | Published in 1969
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- Table 4.1.By Patricia A. Fleming, Natalie K. GrassiBook | Published in 1969
This is a PDF-only article. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above.
- Table 4.2.By Patricia A. Fleming, Natalie K. GrassiBook | Published in 1969
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- Table 4.8.By Patricia A. Fleming, Natalie K. GrassiBook | Published in 1969
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- Table 4.5.By Patricia A. Fleming, Natalie K. GrassiBook | Published in 1969
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- Table 4.4.By Patricia A. Fleming, Natalie K. GrassiBook | Published in 1969
This is a PDF-only article. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above.
- Table 4.9.By Patricia A. Fleming, Natalie K. GrassiBook | Published in 1969
This is a PDF-only article. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above.