Dave Kelly
- Australian Island Arks: Conservation, Management and OpportunitiesEdited by Dorian Moro, Derek Ball, Sally BryantBook | Published in 2018DOI: 10.1071/9781486306619ISBN (paper): 978-1-4863-0660-2ISBN (pdf): 978-1-4863-0661-9Dorian MoroDerek Ball
- Table 2.2By Keith Morris, Dave Algar, David Armstrong, Derek Ball, Sally L. Bryant, Peter Canty, Peter B. Copley, Chris Dickman, Alaric Fisher, Graeme R. Gillespie, Michael Johnston, Dave KellyBook | Published in 1969
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Keith MorrisDave AlgarDavid ArmstrongDerek BallSally L. BryantPeter CantyPeter B. CopleyChris DickmanAlaric FisherGraeme R. GillespieMichael Johnston - Table 2.1By Keith Morris, Dave Algar, David Armstrong, Derek Ball, Sally L. Bryant, Peter Canty, Peter B. Copley, Chris Dickman, Alaric Fisher, Graeme R. Gillespie, Michael Johnston, Dave KellyBook | Published in 1969
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Keith MorrisDave AlgarDavid ArmstrongDerek BallSally L. BryantPeter CantyPeter B. CopleyChris DickmanAlaric FisherGraeme R. GillespieMichael Johnston - Table 2.4By Keith Morris, Dave Algar, David Armstrong, Derek Ball, Sally L. Bryant, Peter Canty, Peter B. Copley, Chris Dickman, Alaric Fisher, Graeme R. Gillespie, Michael Johnston, Dave KellyBook | Published in 1969
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Keith MorrisDave AlgarDavid ArmstrongDerek BallSally L. BryantPeter CantyPeter B. CopleyChris DickmanAlaric FisherGraeme R. GillespieMichael Johnston - Table 2.3By Keith Morris, Dave Algar, David Armstrong, Derek Ball, Sally L. Bryant, Peter Canty, Peter B. Copley, Chris Dickman, Alaric Fisher, Graeme R. Gillespie, Michael Johnston, Dave KellyBook | Published in 1969
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Keith MorrisDave AlgarDavid ArmstrongDerek BallSally L. BryantPeter CantyPeter B. CopleyChris DickmanAlaric FisherGraeme R. GillespieMichael Johnston - Table 2.5By Keith Morris, Dave Algar, David Armstrong, Derek Ball, Sally L. Bryant, Peter Canty, Peter B. Copley, Chris Dickman, Alaric Fisher, Graeme R. Gillespie, Michael Johnston, Dave KellyBook | Published in 1969
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Keith MorrisDave AlgarDavid ArmstrongDerek BallSally L. BryantPeter CantyPeter B. CopleyChris DickmanAlaric FisherGraeme R. GillespieMichael Johnston