The Lennox Legacy:

The History of the CSIRO Laboratory at 343 Royal Parade Parkville

The Lennox Legacy

The Lennox Legacy: The history of the CSIRO Laboratory at 343 Royal Parade Parkville records many of the events and incidents associated with the genesis and development of the Division of Protein Chemistry over a period of more than fifty years. This book has been titled in honour of Dr Francis Gordon Lennox, the Laboratory's founder and a man who believed that science has an important part to play in bettering the well-being of all Australians. His vision, over the years, of the critical importance of protein chemistry to Australian science and industry, was central to the Laboratory's national and international achievements.

The book has been written three parts:

*Part 1 attempts to trace the historical record of appointments and changes in research direction that have occurred in the laboratory from 1940 to the present day.

*Part 2 presents a more detailed description of the major scientific activities that have been carried out in the Laboratory. It reveals how fundamental studies went hand-in-hand with applied research and thereby contributed greatly to the understanding of practical problems and their possible solution.

*Part 3 provides a complete list of Patents and Publications arranged in decades for easy perusal.

As former chief Gordon Crewther states in his foreword: "Of necessity, the story is incomplete, but because it records the stresses, exhilarations, frustrations, rewards, good fellowship, team spirit, irritations and humourous interludes arising from the research objectives of the Division and their accomplishment, there is something of interest for all present and past members of staff of CSIRO. The less technical sections, the occasional insights into/behind the scenes' activities, the glimpses of individual personalities, and the occasional reflections on science management, provides worthwhile reading for a more general audience."

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