Oliver F. Berry
- Applied Environmental GenomicsEdited by Oliver F. Berry, Clare E. Holleley, Simon N. JarmanBook | Published in 2023DOI: 10.1071/9781486314935ISBN (paper): 978-1-4863-1492-8ISBN (pdf): 978-1-4863-1493-5Oliver F. BerryClare E. Holleley
- Table 26.1Edited by Oliver F. Berry, Clare E. Holleley, Simon N. JarmanBook | Published in 1969
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Oliver F. BerryClare E. Holleley - Table 11.1Edited by Oliver F. Berry, Clare E. Holleley, Simon N. JarmanBook | Published in 1969
This is a PDF-only article. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above.
Oliver F. BerryClare E. Holleley - Table 10.1Edited by Oliver F. Berry, Clare E. Holleley, Simon N. JarmanBook | Published in 1969
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Oliver F. BerryClare E. Holleley - Table 26.2Edited by Oliver F. Berry, Clare E. Holleley, Simon N. JarmanBook | Published in 1969
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Oliver F. BerryClare E. Holleley - Table 25.1Edited by Oliver F. Berry, Clare E. Holleley, Simon N. JarmanBook | Published in 1969
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Oliver F. BerryClare E. Holleley - Table 23.1Edited by Oliver F. Berry, Clare E. Holleley, Simon N. JarmanBook | Published in 1969
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Oliver F. BerryClare E. Holleley